Wake up, look over to see my woman next to me, all wrapped up cozy in her silk sheets. Leave her there and let her sleep for a while, go take a shower, get ready for breakfast. Go snuggle up next to her in bed with my red (fav one) bathrobe on. Wake her up with kisses, then we go in and have breakfast, consisting of: A ham and cheese omelet, biscuit, she can have my sausage

D), and some toast.
By this time, it's ready to start the day. She gets dressed in her sexiest blue jean skirt and that white top that I LOVE. I'll just throw some of my regular stuff on

Go down to the mall and walk around, just talking. She walks into Victoria's Secret (this is my idea) and gets a new set of lingerie

We keep walking around for a while, get something to eat at a fast food restaurant, say Chic-Fil-A. Then it's time to head home, about 4:30 in the afternoon.
We get home, and maybe light a little bud. I'm not a regular smoker, but it sure can light up the night sometimes

She slips into that new lingerie, while we're both feeling good. We go into the bedroom (you could have guessed that...) and she teases me for a little while. Then.. we make hot passionate love until the windows rattle (for about 2 hours, yes 2 hours). Then we both pass out from exhaustion and the weed.
That, my friends, would be a day.