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Reviews for "Insidia"


get into the AAA horror game bis NOW, you would be a freaking GOD SEND TO THEM. you managed to get atmosphere, symbolism, and mindset, put them into a machine, and set the thing to concentrate.... than the machine blew up leaving this golden gem, cause this thing made me afraid of the dark again, and that is a VERY hard thing to do.

it really got me goin'

great game man you should add medals tho but out of that rock on!!

10 ohhhhh yaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh

awsome dude but i couldnt find the last swick !!!!!!!! :D


i thought the game was fun and i played it cause i was bored and well this kept me entertained =)

Extremely enjoyable

Normally platform jumpers like this have a lot of glitches, times where it lags, or just impossible platforms to jump. This had none of that crap. My only problem is that i have no idea what the non-alternate ending is! Besides that, 10/10 & 5/5