"I Don't Have To Show You Anything!" - Best I.D. Refusals vol. 13

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
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    Video 2: Walk Of Shame - ID Refusal
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    Video 3: Tyrant Owned -- Intimidation Fail -- ID Refusal
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    #LackLuster #Cops #Police

Комментарии • 1,9 тыс.

  • @walidbahhur4198
    @walidbahhur4198 4 месяца назад +525

    I am impressed there are so many cops that they can look at your ID and figure out what you’re doing.

    • @TaylerJDust
      @TaylerJDust 4 месяца назад +32

      The main reason they want the ID is so that, if anyone calls about a crime having been committed in the area, then they can grab whoever provided them ID and arrest them for said crime. This is the main reason why I would refuse to give it, because I don't want to potentially be held liable for someone elses crime simply by occupying the same space at roughly the same time

    • @ethbeatthem4836
      @ethbeatthem4836 4 месяца назад

      They want to background check everyone for warrants. They are using ID to find a reason to arrest you because if someone have a warrant that handcuff time, time to feel like your above everyone by arresting a guy who haven paid 40$ traffic ticket for 3 mouths.
      Ego and Greed for those who are forced to bail out to try and get a lawyer to fight any charges made up by the cops.

    • @MrWebster
      @MrWebster 4 месяца назад

      @@TaylerJDust Good point. Cops do not care if you are innocent or guilty. Just that they arrested you.

    • @charlespeyersen1955
      @charlespeyersen1955 4 месяца назад +16

      It's not what you're doing, it's what you might have previously, WARRANTS!!!!!

    • @strawberrylotlizard
      @strawberrylotlizard 4 месяца назад +7

      ​@@TaylerJDustyeah but that's not what they say, they say they need to see you id to see if you're doing something wrong so it makes them sound stupid

  • @007REAPER007
    @007REAPER007 4 месяца назад +174

    When a cop goes gloves on, you know he's about to violate some rights.

    • @iamtoroazul
      @iamtoroazul 4 месяца назад +11

      Or try to intimidate some one.

    • @marksavage8052
      @marksavage8052 3 месяца назад

      Cop has sunglasses on the back of his head = maga dickhead

    • @jaredphd5587
      @jaredphd5587 3 месяца назад +6

      @@iamtoroazul No, it means they're about to put their hands on you and in this case, violate this 1A auditor's rights.

    • @mattknez1133
      @mattknez1133 2 месяца назад +1

      Well he do doesn’t want any of your blood spatter on his bare hands.

    • @MarkBrummitt-xz3ud
      @MarkBrummitt-xz3ud 23 дня назад

      The only gloves that get me nervous are the medical ones.

  • @reflect.
    @reflect. 4 месяца назад +629

    “We got a call therefore all your rights evaporated into thin air.”

    • @sandrajones2262
      @sandrajones2262 4 месяца назад +17

      That's a wonderful take! Very appropriate. 😂

    • @nappssnapps2891
      @nappssnapps2891 4 месяца назад +8


    • @truenorth365
      @truenorth365 4 месяца назад

      Sums it up. Cops needs to be smarter than that or it will backfire.

    • @isair81
      @isair81 4 месяца назад +10

      That's what they think, everyone of them.

    • @calliope4293
      @calliope4293 4 месяца назад

      In relation to traffic stops, the law surrounding ID refusal can depend on the state you’re in. Here’s a breakdown of the key points:
      1. Identification Requirements: In most states, when you are stopped by law enforcement for a traffic violation, you are required to provide your driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance. Refusing to provide these documents during a traffic stop can lead to penalties, fines, or even arrest, as it’s typically required by law.
      2. “Stop and Identify” Laws: Some states have “stop and identify” laws that allow police to request identification if they have reasonable suspicion of criminal activity. In these states, if you’re stopped by the police and they ask for ID, you must comply. Refusing to provide ID can result in arrest or detainment, even if the officer hasn’t formally accused you of committing a crime.
      3. Right to Refuse: In other states, where there is no “stop and identify” law, you generally have the right to refuse to provide ID if you’re not being arrested or formally detained. However, even in those states, if the officer asks for your driver’s license during a traffic stop, you are required to provide it.
      4. Consequences of Refusal: If you refuse to provide your driver’s license during a traffic stop (in states where it’s required), law enforcement may view this as obstruction or resisting an officer, which could lead to legal consequences, such as fines or arrest.
      5. Suspended or No License: If you’re driving without a valid driver’s license or your license has been suspended, refusing to provide ID could lead to additional charges, and you could face penalties for driving without a license.
      In short, if you’re pulled over for a traffic stop, in most cases, you must provide your driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance. Refusal to comply with these requests can lead to legal consequences, and if you’re in a state with “stop and identify” laws, failure to provide ID when asked by an officer could lead to arrest. Always know the laws specific to your state to avoid unnecessary complications.

  • @azuth11
    @azuth11 4 месяца назад +95

    Do cops honestly wonder why people call them pigs?
    Pig-headed is what you call someone who is wrong, but refuses to admit they are wrong.

    • @Mancer1980
      @Mancer1980 3 месяца назад +4

      I like this, and shall remember it. Well done.

    • @justarandomgamer6309
      @justarandomgamer6309 2 месяца назад +1

      Never knew this glad I do now.

    • @victorcaldwell2900
      @victorcaldwell2900 2 месяца назад +1

      The other thing we call someone who is often wrong and cant admit they are wrong is woman

    • @kathyheckman9530
      @kathyheckman9530 2 месяца назад

      ​@@victorcaldwell2900Kind of like when MEN refuse to ask for directions and circle the same route multiple times because their foolish pride won't let them admit they're wrong and they're lost???

  • @Cablegh0st
    @Cablegh0st 4 месяца назад +366

    Remember that standing up for your rights is “being difficult”.

    • @FreshBarn
      @FreshBarn 4 месяца назад +9

      Or Obstinate

    • @frotobaggins7169
      @frotobaggins7169 4 месяца назад +19

      And escalating.

    • @rogerw-interested
      @rogerw-interested 4 месяца назад +9

      asking questions that they dont want to legally and true fully answer is being difficult

    • @i-m-bossride
      @i-m-bossride 4 месяца назад +8

      ...and makes you a "Sovereign Citizen".
      Image that, making sure that Constitutional rights are respected by a government agent means, at least to them, that you don't believe you are subject to government laws and regulations. No wonder LEOs can't grasp basic concepts like the US Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

    • @Biomass1
      @Biomass1 4 месяца назад +3

      @@Cablegh0st I'm all of these things and damn proud of it.

  • @carolthomas473
    @carolthomas473 4 месяца назад +95

    "I'm a magician. I can make your rights go away with 4 words... " we got a call" !!!

    • @maxxcarver5502
      @maxxcarver5502 4 месяца назад +3

      There's a phone call !!! a phone call! A phone call! Oh, my God, a phone call!!! Now cops HAVE to Suspend everyone's Rights and the Laws , because there was A PHONE CALL !!!! who is on the other end of that phone!? Why are they More important than the Law And the Bill of Rights!???

    • @iminchicago
      @iminchicago 4 месяца назад +2

      @@maxxcarver5502YOOOO! That’s a good FVCKIN question. Who is actually making these calls that have these Police Officers going out on a Tyrant Rage 🤔

    • @maxxcarver5502
      @maxxcarver5502 4 месяца назад +3

      @@iminchicago man, there probably is No phone call! cops Say there is to justify screwing with people! if a cop ever says that to You, go back and FOIA the call records ! it'll help in your lawsuit.

    • @m.d.reedify
      @m.d.reedify 4 месяца назад +1

      Another good one is "We're here to help"

    • @marshallduvall1102
      @marshallduvall1102 12 дней назад

      Can i keep that one ? Please ?

  • @kewlztertc5386
    @kewlztertc5386 4 месяца назад +204

    That cop harrasing the guy eating, is pure gold.
    He so plainly states what he wants (ID), and why he wants it (check for warrants).

    • @Boogiemanager
      @Boogiemanager 4 месяца назад

      A real turd

    • @MrTheHillfolk
      @MrTheHillfolk 4 месяца назад

      That we have to sit there and explain ourselves, I'm tired of it. My damn dinner's getting cold, STFU copper and kick rocks

    • @ericpearce5166
      @ericpearce5166 4 месяца назад +12

      Straight up Gestapo tactics.

    • @olnappy
      @olnappy 4 месяца назад

      Idjit cop doing what idjit cops do? Too many cops are idjits in the 2020's.🙂‍↔️🤦🏻‍♂️

    • @LyonsM
      @LyonsM 3 месяца назад +4

      You better know it. Lmao

  • @suzanneearth
    @suzanneearth 26 дней назад +3

    Kudos to the lady for standing up for him and calling out the clear racism!

  • @PirateTruck
    @PirateTruck 4 месяца назад +896

    Cop: "I need your ID"
    Innocent guy: "No, I'd like to go about my business"
    Cop: "You're escalating"

    • @Sevenfold7777
      @Sevenfold7777 4 месяца назад +38

      Voluntary compliance is encouraged by unhinged public servants regarding officer safety concerns 🤷‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️

    • @Tony-ex2rm
      @Tony-ex2rm 4 месяца назад +40

      He said no to the id then was asked again over and over again. Cop is a moron.

    • @jameswimmer8538
      @jameswimmer8538 4 месяца назад +31

      Earning the hate 1 interaction at a time.

    • @interestedparty00
      @interestedparty00 4 месяца назад +15

      It’s important for us to remember that in nonstop and identify states there is zero obligation to provide any identifying information to cops, even if the cop has reasonable articulable suspicion of a crime.

    • @BernieKnapp-h3n
      @BernieKnapp-h3n 4 месяца назад +17

      Did I break the law? No, than that's a big fat no on the ID!!😂

  • @herbb8412
    @herbb8412 2 месяца назад +5

    That corporal was totally stumped when asked about who the written trespass order would be issued to without him providing a name.

  • @brianbird3756
    @brianbird3756 4 месяца назад +524

    "We're working too"
    The lie detector determined that was a lie...

    • @fettel1988
      @fettel1988 4 месяца назад +15

      Courts have already said it's not even a job, so....

    • @temparalflux914
      @temparalflux914 4 месяца назад +16

      Loved the womans response to the baby whining, "we get it, can we just move on?"

    • @MichaelGhost
      @MichaelGhost 4 месяца назад +9

      how dare you do your job by taking pics of the house going up for sale. what's the crime working a full time job.

    • @hoosierhyperwatch5884
      @hoosierhyperwatch5884 4 месяца назад +3

      ​@@fettel1988 , courts said its not a profession.

    • @allahbole
      @allahbole 4 месяца назад +1

      Given it amounts to interference with commerce, I wonder if a federal class action suit could be filed for the times officers hassle people on the clock and take them away from their economically productive activities

  • @rafaelmendez5758
    @rafaelmendez5758 2 месяца назад +12

    You’re the one escalating this, by not letting me violate your rights!

  • @marsstubblefield
    @marsstubblefield 4 месяца назад +130

    Ya gotta luv the officer putting the gloves on - what a tough guy.

    • @malahammer
      @malahammer 4 месяца назад +8

      And then get's in your face............

    • @a.kn.
      @a.kn. 4 месяца назад +17

      I love it when they get called out for putting the gloves on and getting ready to go hands-on. It usually takes the wind right out of their sails.

    • @kalikasurf
      @kalikasurf 4 месяца назад

      Should have pulled out his own pair of gloves and started putting them on……..would have changed the entire situation

    • @6StimuL84
      @6StimuL84 4 месяца назад

      THAT is a terrorist treasonous threat of violence....

    • @belair54
      @belair54 4 месяца назад +3

      Google "idiot" and his picture comes up!

  • @JUS-SAYIN1536
    @JUS-SAYIN1536 4 месяца назад +29

    How many citizens have been unlawfully detained and/or arrested for "failure to ID"? Constitutional law is not taught in police academies. This won't stop until qualified immunity is abolished.

  • @beaversixniner
    @beaversixniner 4 месяца назад +309

    This cop is doing his job as a tyrant

    • @Sevenfold7777
      @Sevenfold7777 4 месяца назад +17

      Self-proclaimed heroes with guns and badges terrorizing the community 🤦🤷

    • @streetlegalsprintcar
      @streetlegalsprintcar 4 месяца назад +12

      The "We got a call" justification to violate his rights and harass him.

    • @timbourque5095
      @timbourque5095 4 месяца назад

      As a new world order communist traitor you mean ..

    • @ReDNeckRoY
      @ReDNeckRoY 4 месяца назад

      They are all tyrants!

    • @priestley749
      @priestley749 4 месяца назад +1


  • @vegestaples
    @vegestaples 3 месяца назад +13

    Regarding the third interaction, the moment the individual was trespassed from a public building without committing a crime, he established for himself standing in court to pursue a civil rights lawsuit.
    He can now file a section 42 - 1983 lawsuit in federal court. By crossing the line of issuing the trespass, the law enforcement officers have now lost their qualified immunity and they can be sued personally... Yay

  • @ctV837reZ
    @ctV837reZ 4 месяца назад +366

    So you can’t even eat in your own car now without a cop wanting to just run you? What even is this? Everyone is a criminal to these people.

    • @3PercentNeanderthal
      @3PercentNeanderthal 4 месяца назад +26

      It must've been a slow night and the need to victimize was just much to resist.

    • @frotobaggins7169
      @frotobaggins7169 4 месяца назад +32

      A police state, that's what it is.

    • @herbhealsus
      @herbhealsus 4 месяца назад +18

      Guilty until proven innocent

    • @sweatywraith8242
      @sweatywraith8242 4 месяца назад

      Shits been fucked. Only gonna get more fucked with the next administration.

    • @kayemallory117
      @kayemallory117 4 месяца назад +18

      When you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

  • @Dmanderic1979
    @Dmanderic1979 4 месяца назад +5

    Standing on your rights= being difficult and escalating. No mr officer, that's called self projection.

  • @kokobanana1824
    @kokobanana1824 4 месяца назад +185

    Asking for ID is escalating

    • @BlueCuddle-b3b
      @BlueCuddle-b3b 4 месяца назад +7

      Right on !

    • @michaelhollon5332
      @michaelhollon5332 4 месяца назад +7

      It's sad police don't like saying there name they'd rather just point to there shirt, then escalate when asked to verbally say it

    • @commonground981
      @commonground981 3 месяца назад

      So is exercising your rights.

  • @iann2265
    @iann2265 4 месяца назад +7

    The last officer was basically saying the government has a right to decide who can and cannot access public services, and doesn’t see a problem with it

  • @Carrierdlr1
    @Carrierdlr1 4 месяца назад +236

    Those ID’s are crack for Leo!!

    • @georgedunkelberg5004
      @georgedunkelberg5004 4 месяца назад +1


    • @injesusnamewepray46
      @injesusnamewepray46 11 часов назад

      Right. you have to wonder if they're ID'ing the grocery store clerks and gas station attendants they see regularly. I bet they even ask for it in their sleep...ooooo I wonder if they ask their dates to ID themselves😂😂

  • @STI2000
    @STI2000 2 месяца назад +6

    Whenever someone in law enforcement says “You’re not worth my time or trouble!” That code for they realize they screwed up and they are trying to save some dignity.

  • @laurielangford9423
    @laurielangford9423 4 месяца назад +145

    I used to be uneducated and a big fan of cops until I started watching auditors and your videos has been one of my favorites. I have lost all trust and respect for cops now that I’ve gotten some education. Thank you for all you do. You are one of the best.♥️

    • @wallebo
      @wallebo 4 месяца назад +15

      I've had my rights violated on two separate occasions. That is why I study these videos. I don't intend to let it happen again.

    • @wvrjl
      @wvrjl 3 месяца назад +6

      ​@@wallebo- Me too!

    • @terryfox1575
      @terryfox1575 2 месяца назад +2

      I was the same way I always looked at cops as our friends and protectors but that's only because I never had a run in with them but when I see some of these videos on RUclips about what these cops do especially to old people it just makes my heart race and my blood boil

  • @ConstitutionalCountryGirlNews
    @ConstitutionalCountryGirlNews 2 месяца назад +4

    U KNOW the cop was AWARE demanding ID was unlawful. They DO NOT have a right to trespass anyone absent a crime.

  • @williambarnes5023
    @williambarnes5023 4 месяца назад +133

    "We got a call that you were taking pictures."
    "Okay. I can confirm, 100%, that I am taking pictures. You can go call back whoever you got that call from, and tell them yes, they were right, I was taking pictures. You've solved the mystery, good job, go get yourselves a donut as a reward, and have a good day. Case closed. Pictures yes."

  • @rontressler647
    @rontressler647 4 месяца назад +9

    Thank you for exposing police corruption.

  • @thesuperdingos
    @thesuperdingos 4 месяца назад +101

    The cops need ID like they need their donuts. I’m glad an acorn didn’t fall down in that first video. He looked unhinged.

  • @TheBrall
    @TheBrall 4 месяца назад +3

    Thank you Ross for everything you are doing for gov transparency for the billions in our tax dollars spent on these UAP departments.

  • @lordhudson3004
    @lordhudson3004 4 месяца назад +72

    Watching that cop putting his gloves 🧤 on in the first 10 seconds was something else.

    • @MichaelGhost
      @MichaelGhost 4 месяца назад +8

      gloves on mean that the police going to kidnap

    • @richardbell9656
      @richardbell9656 4 месяца назад +8

      ​@MichaelGhost I wonder what would happen if the person being detained was to put on their gloves when the cop puts on his gloves,would that be classed as threatening behaviour ?

    • @A_Laughing_Matter
      @A_Laughing_Matter Месяц назад

      I'm waiting for the first auditor to pull out their own and glove up at the same time just to see how officers safety vs.
      citizens safety plays out.

  • @charlespeyersen1955
    @charlespeyersen1955 3 месяца назад +4

    So many cops think that your ID is imperative at all times!!!! They obviously don't know the law or the US Constitution to which they swore an oath to protect!!!!!

  • @dawnopipari6831
    @dawnopipari6831 4 месяца назад +32

    To the recovery driver CONGRATULATIONS for STANDING YOUR GROUND!!!

  • @ronmcmartin4513
    @ronmcmartin4513 4 месяца назад +143

    After 10-15 years of Body/Dashcams & cellphones, they STILL don't know the laws. This Corrupt policing comes from the top, who teach them these tactics.

    • @raeofsunshinebrite65
      @raeofsunshinebrite65 4 месяца назад +8

      Agree wholeheartedly. It's as though they expect everything to go thier way eventually. As it is there are no consequences for thier actions. They are expecting the day a law is passed granting them the RIGHT to do whatever they please.

    • @Tommy69deluxe
      @Tommy69deluxe 4 месяца назад

      Correct, they expect everything to go their way - at any time - but without knowledge of any laws. That is the main problem here.
      Anybody can go and become a cop. 6 weeks - Boom! You're a cop now. No matter how dumb or mentally unstable you are...
      Non of these clowns would be able to be a police officer here in Germany.
      To become a police officer here takes 3.5 YEARS. You won't find trashy losers like this patrolling German roads. That is a fact.
      And I am no Police fan, just to be clear.

    • @stopsheeping
      @stopsheeping 4 месяца назад +7

      I would argue some cops don't know laws, but some certainly don't give an eff. Either way, like you said, it's corruption top to bottom.

    • @georgedunkelberg5004
      @georgedunkelberg5004 4 месяца назад +1


    • @LyonsM
      @LyonsM 3 месяца назад

      Exactly, knowing everyone has a camera, they still brazenly violate the constitution. 😮end qualified immunity.

  • @davidsmith-uo7lj
    @davidsmith-uo7lj 4 месяца назад +9

    Imagine a cop saying YOU'RE ESCALATING 😅😂

  • @m.w.1402
    @m.w.1402 4 месяца назад +76

    Did anyone else notice that the pig was very reluctant to answer definitive legal questions, knowing that he was overstepping his presumed authority and knew he would LOSE the lawsuit if he took it one step further?
    Kudos to the auditor for showcasing EXACTLY why filming police officers and knowing your rights comprehensively are so important!!!

    • @ChrisS-oo6fl
      @ChrisS-oo6fl 4 месяца назад

      Nope most people also didn’t notice the changes in lacks voice. There’s definitely an experiment with AI trained voice. I’ve done dozens. Recognize it a mile away. During the second story. My wife called it out from the other room too. “That’s not lackluster voice”. That’s how obvious it was. Model needs a ton of tuning and additional training.

    • @Harrybrown4570
      @Harrybrown4570 4 месяца назад

      Arnold ziffal

    • @markbrown8097
      @markbrown8097 4 месяца назад

      ​​@@ChrisS-oo6flwell that sucks. He (the channel) should stick to new content, not rehashing old content. Unless the problem has been resolved and the channel has outlived its usefulness. Which would be a win.

    • @LyonsM
      @LyonsM 3 месяца назад +1

      Well, give him a break. He doesn’t know the law. Lmao

    • @m.w.1402
      @m.w.1402 3 месяца назад

      @LyonsM Yet he's a....oh, what's it called? Law? Enforcement? Officer? Talk about irony!

  • @christopherweber9464
    @christopherweber9464 3 месяца назад +5

    I just read a great comment that said the process is the punishment ... And it's 100% true, the citizen is tasked with spending time money and other resources to fight for their rights while the police officer or officers feels no ill effects thanks to qualified immunity.

    • @dharris5364
      @dharris5364 2 месяца назад

      yeah that phrase was actually coined in the 80s in a book I think. Its a common tactic especially in high crime areas to lock people up for trivial or outright bogus charges knowing they will be out the next day. But they will be punished by having to spend a night in jail, post bail, go to court and pay court fees just to have the charges dropped. The DAs and Judges are all in on it, its a racket.

  • @PepeToTheMooon
    @PepeToTheMooon 4 месяца назад +143

    They built a base right next to a neighborhood. Whose fault is that? Can’t take family photos ever in front of your own house.

    • @cabanissmedia2751
      @cabanissmedia2751 4 месяца назад +4

      I'm sure the base was there before those houses

    • @g.k.1669
      @g.k.1669 4 месяца назад +9

      And yet in the background is what appears to be a 10 story apartment building with windows and balconies overlooking the place.

    • @MooKau_
      @MooKau_ 4 месяца назад

      heh. Yet when hamas have a base next to houses, they are pricks for doing so.

    • @leighz1962
      @leighz1962 4 месяца назад +3

      Military bases follow federal and state laws, allegedly. 1st guy could flip on a dash cam, go on base and take pictures. Security may be called on base for suspicious activity but if he isn't taking pictures of sensitive things they won't do anything(but can search anything on base).

    • @cabanissmedia2751
      @cabanissmedia2751 4 месяца назад

      @@leighz1962 well first guy wouldn't be able to unless he had military id to get on base . Only way he could if he knew someone on base to escort him other than that NO GOING ON BASE.

  • @supremedivineerudite
    @supremedivineerudite 4 месяца назад +6

    Kolender v. Lawson (461 U S. 352, 1983) in which the United States Supreme Court ruled that a police officer could not arrest a citizen merely for refusing to present identification.

  • @davidcroussore969
    @davidcroussore969 4 месяца назад +180

    Getting kicked out of a city owned which is owned by the citizens! Brewer police are idiots !

    • @IrrationalDiversions
      @IrrationalDiversions 4 месяца назад +12

      A town where the Bill of Rights is voided. I think that guy could get an easy check if he sued in Federal Court.

    • @concernedcitizen9208
      @concernedcitizen9208 4 месяца назад +8

      He could that’s why he asked the questions he had asked. And when the cops gave him a verbal trespass warning that was enough for him to file a lawsuit. He should have gone back in and gotten himself arrested because he would have gotten way more money by actually getting arrested because he had everything he needed on video

    • @DesiRush1
      @DesiRush1 4 месяца назад

      They're idiots but they rule over you, so what does that make you? Any insult you can possible throw against them applies doubly to yourself and all the other citizens.

    • @IrrationalDiversions
      @IrrationalDiversions 4 месяца назад +3

      @@DesiRush1 You're making assumptions...

    • @jlambe19
      @jlambe19 4 месяца назад +7

      Agree. I am tired of these small town mayors that think they can just say "get out" of a public building, and thinking the police are their private security force.

  • @gordonwrichert8240
    @gordonwrichert8240 2 месяца назад +5

    officer take a walk he has not broken a law and their is nothing you can do about it

  • @richwightman3044
    @richwightman3044 4 месяца назад +36

    “I been doing dis a long time.” The motto of every government employee who has no clue what their job is. It just means they’ve been getting paid a bunch of tax money for a long time for incompetence.

  • @MrKonKarnage
    @MrKonKarnage 2 месяца назад +3

    That elected official didnt want you taking pictures of something hes doing and that cop is in his backpocket making sure it stays that way

  • @AmericaFirstNow
    @AmericaFirstNow 4 месяца назад +78

    That last cop immediately put on his gloves.

    • @derekporter7651
      @derekporter7651 4 месяца назад +7

      Intimidation tactic.

    • @MrTheHillfolk
      @MrTheHillfolk 4 месяца назад +6

      Just carry a pair of your own gloves, and put them on after he does. Boy it's cold in here isn't it lol

    • @georgedunkelberg5004
      @georgedunkelberg5004 4 месяца назад +1


    • @wallebo
      @wallebo 4 месяца назад

      That is for the circle jerk that they have after violating someone's rights.

  • @JF6388
    @JF6388 4 месяца назад +4

    That cop playing the victim would have sent me into rage.

  • @brnfrmjts05
    @brnfrmjts05 4 месяца назад +46

    That town supervisor needs to have his hard drive seized.

  • @UyênHoàngThu-o9x
    @UyênHoàngThu-o9x 4 месяца назад +1

    Amusing collection! Always surprises me to see how set people are in their ways, disregarding basic I.D. checks.

  • @GummiBot9000
    @GummiBot9000 4 месяца назад +116

    here's a great phrase to memorize for these situations: if you're asking, not ordering under threat of arrest, then that means people fought and died for my right to not comply with it, and odds are it's in my best interest to do precisely that

    • @YoanBespoke
      @YoanBespoke 4 месяца назад +6


    • @evilsanta8585
      @evilsanta8585 4 месяца назад +18

      To many words. It will confuse most cops

    • @GummiBot9000
      @GummiBot9000 4 месяца назад +8

      @@evilsanta8585 My favorite short version is "sorry no, my lawyer would hate me"

    • @dinmorerenabe
      @dinmorerenabe 4 месяца назад +2

      That's not a phrase, that's a novel.

    • @SnarkNSass
      @SnarkNSass 4 месяца назад


  • @reubensprouse
    @reubensprouse 2 месяца назад +5

    Lawsuits should be filed for every instance whee civil rights are violated by law enforcement. PERIOD.

    • @injesusnamewepray46
      @injesusnamewepray46 10 часов назад

      It should be free and come with a public defender that doesn't work with the police...then more people would file. Who has the money to retain a lawyer for 5 or 10 grand? Only the wealthy. They try not to offend the wealthy because they know they'd be screwed. Justice isn't truly blind. The poor and minorities are adversely affected by the current system of law. At least we don't have to remain uninformed...

  • @boldfacedtruth
    @boldfacedtruth 4 месяца назад +68

    Why do cops feel the need to talk to someone taking pictures to begin with? If no crime, they need to leave people alone.

    • @georgedunkelberg5004
      @georgedunkelberg5004 4 месяца назад +1


  • @matthewsims4457
    @matthewsims4457 4 месяца назад +3

    It's so sad that in the 2020s, cops stating: "We got a call..." results in complete loss of our Constitutional rights.

  • @AnonymousA-hm7iv
    @AnonymousA-hm7iv 4 месяца назад +32

    Love it when tyrants are denied ID.

  • @spacepathfinder1
    @spacepathfinder1 14 дней назад +1

    7:00 "You're sitting in a car in the middle of the night, which is suspicious".
    "Is the natural absence of sunlight suspicious in itself"?

  • @shadygamer8517
    @shadygamer8517 4 месяца назад +21

    The fact that he had his gloves out before ANY investigating tells me all I need to know. Tyrant.

    • @nanook6620
      @nanook6620 4 месяца назад +1

      Yea i can tell you it's a clear indication he's expecting to use force from the get go. A little surprised he didn't already have them on.

  • @auditwatcher1002
    @auditwatcher1002 4 месяца назад +3

    Here's the deal! I can understand checking out a suspicious vehicle in a closed business parking lot. BUT.. once he see's the individual eating a meal he should just say goodnight Sir!. He has no right to demand anything. I wish the police would learn the law if they are the ones tasked to enforce laws.

    • @johnhooton3286
      @johnhooton3286 26 дней назад

      I'm sure he ran the plates. The rest was bs.

  • @supersteve8305
    @supersteve8305 4 месяца назад +28

    They think “we got a call” suspends all citizens rights granted under the Bill of Rights.

    • @maxxcarver5502
      @maxxcarver5502 4 месяца назад +1

      There's a phone call !!! a phone call! A phone call! Oh, my God, a phone call!!! Now cops HAVE to Suspend everyone's Rights and the Laws , because there was A PHONE CALL !!!! who is on the other end of that phone!? Why are they More important than the Law And the Bill of Rights!???

    • @andrewcanady6644
      @andrewcanady6644 3 месяца назад

      Lol. You’re right.

  • @chrispratt9401
    @chrispratt9401 28 дней назад +2

    I love it when they put their gloves on. Its hilarious 😂

  • @daveblackman816
    @daveblackman816 4 месяца назад +95

    It’s ridiculous. The base is in plain view of the home, what’s he supposed to do?! ID for taking pics and videos?? “He’s the one escalating”. Right smh.

    • @leighz1962
      @leighz1962 4 месяца назад +2

      Pretty sure most bases allow police/fire on base. Retired military definitely. They could have walked over to the gate, went on base and taken pictures. So silly.

    • @MichaelGhost
      @MichaelGhost 4 месяца назад +1

      goggle maps going to be sued

    • @markbrown8097
      @markbrown8097 4 месяца назад +3

      The irony is, as a retired veteran, he could walk on the base an take photos of the unsecured areas all day long.

  • @asuraphreak
    @asuraphreak 2 месяца назад +2

    Even if he was taking pictures of the base, what crime was commited? None!

  • @tsizzle7329
    @tsizzle7329 4 месяца назад +15

    The guy kept asking "Do I have to show you my ID?" The cop said "I am asking for your I.D." He never demanded ID. That's why he never said he would be arrested. The cop knew he couldn't demand his ID, which is why he was playing it cool to see if the guy would feel like he had to give ID when the cop asked.

  • @Dave_Alyssa_1323
    @Dave_Alyssa_1323 4 месяца назад +5

    Its absolutely amazing to me that these tyrants STILL don't know the law

    • @lauriewsmith1
      @lauriewsmith1 2 месяца назад

      They do know the law (for the most part) but are so used to being able to demand ID and people giving in that it hurts their ego when they are reminded of the fact that they don't have the right to see it if you refuse.

  • @charliepiland3285
    @charliepiland3285 4 месяца назад +59

    @14:10 - an LEO putting on their gloves is a PRE-ATTACK INDICATOR!!!

  • @lennycottingham
    @lennycottingham 4 месяца назад +3

    Woow....that last cop.....the town hall is just like any business business in town..

  • @jodyhoo
    @jodyhoo 4 месяца назад +293

    Foolish cops acting the fool…

    • @Sevenfold7777
      @Sevenfold7777 4 месяца назад +4


    • @mr.b6374
      @mr.b6374 4 месяца назад +20

      the only thing is they are not acting!!! they are literally fools!

    • @5thlevelweb887
      @5thlevelweb887 4 месяца назад


    • @randallkuhn4726
      @randallkuhn4726 3 месяца назад

      The PIG doesn't understand he is wrong. PIG are that stupid.

  • @AriettaGooden-rs4hz
    @AriettaGooden-rs4hz 4 месяца назад +3

    So I just wanna make sure your eating your dinner. Is that a donut?! No, then you’re detained! Give me ID! This was ridiculous.

  • @DBNobleman
    @DBNobleman 4 месяца назад +31


  • @ictpilot
    @ictpilot 2 месяца назад +5

    Sometimes these cops make it so easy for a civil rights lawsuit it's unbelievable. Why did you break down and give your ID and answer questions after the supervisor got there?

  • @jimknopf5558
    @jimknopf5558 4 месяца назад +13

    Haha, it's great how the officer puts on his "stop-resisting" gloves at minute 14:00. If he does that right at the start, you know exactly where things are headed.

    • @nanook6620
      @nanook6620 4 месяца назад +1

      Yea he wanted to use force. If the auditor held out he probably could've got a payout.

  • @George-vy4ff
    @George-vy4ff 3 месяца назад +3

    God bless the WHT woman for speaking up! If she hadn't, it would have went south FOR SURE! She has restored my faith in Karens!😊

    • @George-vy4ff
      @George-vy4ff 3 месяца назад +1

      ....when a Karen calls you racist, YOU ARE RACIST!😅

  • @cyclopticclaybuster
    @cyclopticclaybuster 4 месяца назад +38

    That's why I love this channel. You are the first person to say " in order for an officer to LAWFULLY detain you he must have RAS.
    Most people just say in order for a cop to detain you they need RAS. Cops do WHATEVER they want to do. But they have to follow the LAW.

  • @eiland369
    @eiland369 2 месяца назад +3

    He DIDN’T stop him in a parking lot because he was already stopped and had NO probable cause or reasonable suspicion of a crime to detain the driver.

  • @sirsander6767
    @sirsander6767 4 месяца назад +14

    If that city manager wants to act like his dad and tell that auditor what to do and where to go, perhaps you should sue him for 18 years of backpay for child support.

  • @gordonwrichert8240
    @gordonwrichert8240 2 месяца назад +4

    he is eating a hamberger and his vehicle is parked and he does not have to do or say anything its the LAW

  • @fireblast6733
    @fireblast6733 4 месяца назад +73

    No law broken no crime no id they need to stop breaking the law

    • @echo6echo419
      @echo6echo419 4 месяца назад +1

      Traffic infraction anyone?

    • @georgedunkelberg5004
      @georgedunkelberg5004 4 месяца назад +1


  • @AugustusTitus
    @AugustusTitus 2 месяца назад +2

    LMAO, local cop says the former Fed escalated it. LEOs always aggressively escalate.

  • @rrussell9731
    @rrussell9731 4 месяца назад +18

    TY for exposing them to the most powerful court in the land, The Court of Public Opinion.

  • @dorindawaldrop5521
    @dorindawaldrop5521 4 месяца назад +3

    Those old bags of wind in the City’s Manager’s office cracked me up,just by the way they look.Those old bags sit around and drink plenty of scotch together.

  • @joemiley9878
    @joemiley9878 4 дня назад +1

    I love the way the the qeers walk up immediately putting gloves on

  • @abelduenas987
    @abelduenas987 4 месяца назад +18

    There's no "disconnect", cops know what they're doing they just don't care, nothing happens to them.

  • @darksideny
    @darksideny 2 месяца назад +2

    The cops always overstep!

  • @patrickfaul834
    @patrickfaul834 4 месяца назад +17

    We got a call means nothing without proof that a crime has been committed. Good thing there were no acorns falling.

  • @karinjoiner
    @karinjoiner 2 месяца назад +2

    the dissconect is between the cops and their lack of knowlage of the law

    • @johnhooton3286
      @johnhooton3286 26 дней назад

      It's amazing that as an electrician I have 4x more classroom education than cops.

  • @DoesNotEqual
    @DoesNotEqual 4 месяца назад +12

    Hats off to the young man for reviving this old series.

  • @Jonb1226
    @Jonb1226 4 месяца назад +9

    Cops don’t need any help making themselves look like IDIOTS.

  • @markbanks4738
    @markbanks4738 4 месяца назад +61

    Barbiturates and coke were tuff but Id addiction seems to be way tougher

    • @joseywales3789
      @joseywales3789 4 месяца назад +6

      🆔🪪🆔🪪🆔🪪 🥴😶‍🌫️🫥

  • @frankh.3849
    @frankh.3849 4 месяца назад +12

    "give me your id" "am I under arrest?" "No, give me your ID!"

  • @aaronhope8366
    @aaronhope8366 2 месяца назад +3

    Far too many of these incidents stem from dispatchers failing to know when to tell the caller to mind their [redacted] business. Karen the caller, Karen at dispatch, and cops that don't know the law.

  • @wildbill1726
    @wildbill1726 4 месяца назад +31

    North of the border, this is what you say when asked for identification.
    What regulated activity am I currently involved in that requires you to see my identification?
    That is a lawful question. They have to answer.

    • @steveladner4346
      @steveladner4346 4 месяца назад +1

      I live a few blocks north of the border in south west Texas and I don't think you will see a self proclaimed hero step across the Rio Grande to play cute word games because they don't file complaints and wait for the old we have investigated ourselves to find no wrong doing excuses.

    • @wildbill1726
      @wildbill1726 4 месяца назад +1

      @@steveladner4346 North border. canada

  • @janeysiegrist5061
    @janeysiegrist5061 2 месяца назад

    I remember post 9/11/01 they mandated citizens "weren't allowed" to take pictures of any infrastructure. I got "talked to" about taking a picture of a bridge in my hometown that had been there over 80 years and had public access to the infrastructure. I asked the cop how he could tell me Icouldn't take a picture of bridge that had more information on it in the library than could ever be ascertained from a snapshot, but he just said it was the law.. that was before I realized how terribly wrong, our police injustice system had gone

  • @djbacon6091
    @djbacon6091 4 месяца назад +9

    Harassing someone not breaking the law. Meanwhile someone is being assaulted and needs help. Good job officer, earning the hate as always.

  • @Playlist4Ella
    @Playlist4Ella 2 месяца назад +2

    If we walk up to police and ask for identification I'm SURE they'd have no problem, right?

  • @fettel1988
    @fettel1988 4 месяца назад +25

    Criminal trespass is when you've re-trespassed post warning. There's no such thing as a notice of this. The notice was prior.

  • @christopherwallace826
    @christopherwallace826 3 месяца назад

    "They have no power" but they know what a pain in the ass it is for most people to take the ride and most people will roll over from the fear of taking that ride.

  • @chronographer
    @chronographer 4 месяца назад +9

    The third one, the city manager said 'why don't you hang around here' so he actually was NOT trespassed.

    • @frotobaggins7169
      @frotobaggins7169 4 месяца назад

      Leave, not stay... later, "I told him to leave"

  • @CEO-Baruch-City
    @CEO-Baruch-City 4 месяца назад +2

    Corporal Tadiff came already putting on his gloves. That's a sign of tyranny.

  • @jasonshults368
    @jasonshults368 4 месяца назад +44

    This is policing. This is what you support and fund when you support and fund the existence of police.

    • @leighz1962
      @leighz1962 4 месяца назад +4

      It would be okay if they were doing their jobs and actually investigating and preventing real crimes.

  • @Kelis-z1p
    @Kelis-z1p 2 месяца назад +2

    That cop was pissed that woman stuck up for the black guy…he didn’t know what to do…and he continued to try and escalate by staying there to argue

  • @Big.Kuntry.777
    @Big.Kuntry.777 4 месяца назад +14

    They know they can’t legally ask for the info because they wont give a straight answer

  • @sammerjay8128
    @sammerjay8128 4 месяца назад +1

    The officer who said "I need your ID, so I can check for warrants", told everybody why they all want ID. To CHECK FOR WARRANTS. See, they have been trained that we are all criminals and liars, not that we are the People, who can expose them, for breaking the law, and violating rights!

  • @DaveBigDawg
    @DaveBigDawg 4 месяца назад +43

    The second one
    The cop admitted that he only wants to run him for warrants
    Third one
    Officer immediately puts on gloves meaning he really wants to hurt the camera person

    • @joseywales3789
      @joseywales3789 4 месяца назад +4

      Escalate the situation!

    • @chronographer
      @chronographer 4 месяца назад +5

      Third one the city manager said 'why don't you hang around here' so he was actually not trespassed.

  • @cesarortizable
    @cesarortizable 4 месяца назад +1

    Second cop is epitome of guilty until proven innocent... When you find out he has no warrants and he is who he is, only then will we be on our way. lmaooo

  • @ronadams3107
    @ronadams3107 4 месяца назад +8

    Why cops want I.D 1.) To first see if they can arrest you. 2.) If you're willing to submit to one thing, most likely you will to others.3) Alot of times people will get so agitated that they can wind up arresting you for something else. 4) Its a game to them.

    • @nanook6620
      @nanook6620 4 месяца назад

      You forgot about possible retaliation. If they find out you're a local they will harass you any chance they get.