I Finally Hit the Brutus Gap! ...But I Cheated

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Is it cheating to hit a big gap with my 300mm Boostmonster bike? Well I thought it would be fun to ride this for the first time on this oldschool bike, the run in wasn't giving me any confidence though haha.
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Комментарии • 309

  • @JordanBoostmaster
    @JordanBoostmaster  Год назад +9

    My camera Setup: (affiliate)
    GoPro Hero 12: amzn.to/3ZQOCtW
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  • @mahalomydude
    @mahalomydude Год назад +363

    Everyone knows it only qualifies when executed with a backflip, on a hardtail, with a monkey on your back. #cheater

    • @arionairmtb
      @arionairmtb Год назад +22

      nah he had to do it on a road bike from the 60s

    • @anaboveaveragedog
      @anaboveaveragedog Год назад +21

      It doesn’t count unless you use a penny farthing

    • @bermchasin
      @bermchasin Год назад +14

      if its not done on a unicycle, is it even a road gap?

  • @HaveFunBikes
    @HaveFunBikes Год назад +109

    Cheating? Old school gap with old school bike? Cheers mate, that was insane!

  • @Atzinberg34
    @Atzinberg34 Год назад +97

    For the fork Cam I think it takes up too much of the screen and it gets a little annoying. I recommend just putting it in one of the corners as a smaller box

    • @JordanBoostmaster
      @JordanBoostmaster  Год назад +22

      ok thanks good to know

    • @Godisdead0
      @Godisdead0 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@JordanBoostmasterI agree
      Fork cam sounded like a cool idea but then it just continued to cam the fork.. taking up half of my screen… the entire video

    • @Godisdead0
      @Godisdead0 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@JordanBoostmasterI’d prefer a brown starfish/seat cam 🥴

    • @coolpotato5
      @coolpotato5 10 месяцев назад

      Fr its annoying

    • @rMtsaeBlaer
      @rMtsaeBlaer 10 месяцев назад


  • @reallyfastbiker4077
    @reallyfastbiker4077 Год назад +59

    In no way was that cheating. I love that bike and that gap is legit scary in person. Well done Jordan.

  • @magodize
    @magodize Год назад +18

    I've hit that gap on a altitude and a firebird and there's not a single chance in the world I'd be willing to hit it on a old school 26" wheeled super monstered bike so yeah, not cheating. Props for sending a really sick feature! The blind run in with the angled turn is definitely scary

  • @GabrielGZanutto3
    @GabrielGZanutto3 Год назад +2

    bro, everytime I watch your videos it inspires me so much and always gets me smiling, seen you having such a great time on an older DH bike. Hope some day I can go to Canada and get to ride there, learn new things in those trails.

  • @Pshady
    @Pshady Год назад +1

    The time spent on the set up, getting the run up dialled, visualisation, that’s what made the landing so smooth.
    That and sending your mates off it first and finding out the gap required more speed then one thinks.

  • @hiroyopoetker
    @hiroyopoetker Год назад +4

    WOW you hit that drop gap perfectly!
    Classic textbook pull up and sink the landing!

  • @painterabc123
    @painterabc123 Год назад +9

    Ben! Go big or go home! What the hell, bro. That was intense. 0:20

  • @frankdepasquale8715
    @frankdepasquale8715 Год назад +2

    That was sick

  • @stefannewels1823
    @stefannewels1823 Год назад +1

    Kudos for ignoring that added Frontweight of the SuperMonster-T
    I had the "normal" Version on my Banshee Scream and if I remember correct the Springs alone weighted 800grams.
    Took me a while to get used to. A friend of mine had the SM-T and we discribed the feeling riding with it like: "Everything below Terrier Sized Obstacles is completely ignorable/not existing"
    THX for the Reminder, Great Vid, Man 🔊🔊🕴🏼

  • @Matt133
    @Matt133 Год назад +1

    That was awesome man. I still remember hitting Monster Amigo in Kelowna on my hardtail back in the day, its a good feeling hitting your first big gap.

  • @omurder3213
    @omurder3213 Год назад +1

    Awesome video dude! It’s making me want to ride so bad but I can’t cuz the Midwest is full of snow rn.

  • @fixienick
    @fixienick Год назад +2

    Seems like high speed compression is good but the diving feels would be mitigated with more low speed compression damping
    Love your content and LOVE the BoostMonster, keep up the excellent work with the high quality content!

  • @d-nicebikes
    @d-nicebikes Год назад +2

    BOOSTIE!!!! So sick, Dude! No cheat on that one, looked smooth on the Boost Monster, although it still looked like it bottomed out. Sick run!

  • @The_turtleking
    @The_turtleking Год назад +1

    I love how he hearts almost everyone’s comment

  • @tysonsells6421
    @tysonsells6421 11 месяцев назад

    I saw the orange Norco and it reminded me of how long I had been watching your channel. I'm 19 now. I remember watching getting your first dh bike but you had to put a lot of work into it. And when you broke your wrist, I'd always check my phone for uploads because you weren't posting.

  • @RickyDownhillRDH
    @RickyDownhillRDH Год назад +3

    That actually made me a bit nervous to watch. Well done guys!

  • @YTLIT
    @YTLIT Год назад +1

    I hate the end of your videos because the FUN Stops!

  • @dont_hit_trees
    @dont_hit_trees Год назад +1

    My first DH was an a-line. Loved it. Didn’t know any better. 😂

  • @abstraddic0442
    @abstraddic0442 Год назад +3

    Dope ! That wasnt cheating at all you just hit it perfect. That was smooth as it possibly couldve been . 💯👍

  • @the_elven_potato
    @the_elven_potato Год назад +2

    such a sick video man!

  • @mehukatti123
    @mehukatti123 Год назад +3

    Well done, smooooth!

  • @1187titanium
    @1187titanium Год назад +2

    400 supermonsters out there and you are the only one in 20 years to actually document it for all our viewing pleasure

    • @JordanBoostmaster
      @JordanBoostmaster  Год назад +2

      haha ya I know, nobody else is really making content with it!

  • @bud385
    @bud385 Год назад +1

    Dude, you Greased that landing Flawless! the guys before didn't even clear the gap that's why the one guy wadded up for sure, You Killed it man Great run in HNicely done Full Send FTW!
    the landing off that is real Sketchy Straight the frunk downhill with some Nice trees to stop you if you lose the front end
    That was a perfect scenario & That bike is All kinda BADASS!

  • @thim8009
    @thim8009 Год назад +1

    Wouldn't matter what bike I was on, I wouldn't do it. It was awesome watching you do it!

  • @JumpflowLine
    @JumpflowLine Год назад +5

    Dude the fork cam is sweet!!!

  • @KevinRadford-w9l
    @KevinRadford-w9l Год назад +1

    It’s the opposite of cheating!! You made it way more challenging with that bike! I love that you’re willing to take a chance and just go have fun on your bike. Really nice work! I was nervous each time you rode in, and then when you went for it I was not breathing for a little bit. Haha

  • @Eric.V.
    @Eric.V. Год назад +6

    This is a ridiculously badass video. Boostmasting at its finest! NOTHING about this was cheating…

  • @LawrenceMacMacster
    @LawrenceMacMacster Год назад +10

    Making a elephant fly isn't cheating, pretty impressive 🤘

  • @thebikeshopofficial
    @thebikeshopofficial Год назад +1

    The boostmonster huck bike is actually so unbelievably sick. One of the best bikes ever!

  • @seanroberts381
    @seanroberts381 Год назад +1

    You need to partner up with Nick for his first ride of Brutus.

  • @1000750
    @1000750 Год назад +1

    Sick AF Bro!!! I would have gone with a full ridged drop bar gravel bike tho 💪😂

  • @Fishyboifishis19
    @Fishyboifishis19 6 месяцев назад +5

    Now do it on a hard tail.

  • @noodlzthesouthernpolarbear7293
    @noodlzthesouthernpolarbear7293 Год назад +1

    You old schooled that drop great bike to do that with

    @MTB_DREAM Год назад +1

    GREAT VIDEO. More please.

  • @grizz4608
    @grizz4608 Год назад +1

    Good job man you make that look easy

  • @grizz4608
    @grizz4608 Год назад +1

    That was suuuuuuuper clean

  • @RobbisTV
    @RobbisTV Год назад +1

    Not cheating. The boys killed it! Epic day boys, absolutely EPIC! YEEWWW!!!! :D \m/
    No margarine, that was all butter \m/

    • @JordanBoostmaster
      @JordanBoostmaster  Год назад +1


    • @RobbisTV
      @RobbisTV Год назад

      @@JordanBoostmaster Snow riding the shore this weekend if you’re in 😉👌🤘👊

  • @beerenmusli8220
    @beerenmusli8220 Год назад +1

    Awesome Video!!!!

  • @papasouzas9703
    @papasouzas9703 Год назад +3

    First time the notification bell worked in months lol

  • @sammilburn445
    @sammilburn445 Год назад +2

    when jordan was messing around with the rebound the fork sounded like the pixar lamp

  • @SecretSpots
    @SecretSpots Год назад +1

    Duuuude, you did that gap so good! Epic!

  • @felixbecker8296
    @felixbecker8296 Год назад

    I think you should upload the suspension cam footage as shorts because I find it very satisfying 👍

  • @gregcampbe1l
    @gregcampbe1l Год назад +1

    You need give that thing a real test and hit the Fromme cliff huck. Not wardens, the cliff drop to flat off between the third and fourth switchback

  • @mtd610
    @mtd610 8 месяцев назад

    Nice.. The best feeling is overcoming the fear and sending a new jump. 🤘

  • @158158cow
    @158158cow Год назад +1

    I’d hit it on my ‘21 Norco Shore if I had to choose!

  • @UliKuder
    @UliKuder Год назад +1

    wow, this is big balls

  • @carterbilawchuk
    @carterbilawchuk Год назад +1

    Now all you have to do is work with some bike company to make a proper modern downhill bike with 300mm travel. that would be so cool. Awesome riding!

  • @madjh8
    @madjh8 Год назад

    Preparation and lot of work has the reward in a smooth run. Nice 🤙

  • @JoeEnglishMTBchannel4656
    @JoeEnglishMTBchannel4656 Год назад

    We use to use thicker oil to slow the old monsters down from that fast rebound. Nice send!

  • @douglasruddick9656
    @douglasruddick9656 Год назад +1

    I think you made the right choice boostman ❤

  • @KasperMTB
    @KasperMTB Год назад +1

    Brutus is so fun! Good work🤘

  • @MarquetteMTB
    @MarquetteMTB Год назад

    Man that gap looks intense! Great work!🤟🏼

  • @sachazaccaria5199
    @sachazaccaria5199 Год назад +1

    Can I ride with you one day on my NORCO RAMPAGE 2

  • @knoxrideswnc6501
    @knoxrideswnc6501 Год назад

    As someone who still rides old school DH bikes with new tech. I grew up when that stuff was cutting edge. Rode some new stuff. But, nothing beats a 26.

  • @tahoeebikes
    @tahoeebikes Год назад +2


  • @tonyjofenig6833
    @tonyjofenig6833 8 месяцев назад +1

    Jordan, I have a friend who has a large 2003 Norco VPS Team Shore (blue) with a Monster T on the front. He has lost the axle for the fork, do you have any extra parts, or know where to source an axle for a 03-05 Monster T fork?

  • @GhislainLeduc
    @GhislainLeduc Год назад

    what a drop ! Congrats! Going from Montreal to Vancouver for the first time with my son, Going Revelstoke, Sun Peaks, SilverStar, Big White and Whisler and I had 1-2 free days and I wasn't sure which one I should try on the Triple Crown. Which one would you recommend? Tks in advance :)

  • @luke.debr75
    @luke.debr75 Год назад +2

    next time you should try hitting that jump with a full rigid bike

  • @grantdrummondofficial
    @grantdrummondofficial Год назад +1

    dude that's insane, can't really consider it cheating! awesome vid

  • @nathan4432
    @nathan4432 Год назад +1

    Now it's TOONIE TIME

  • @tybaltlobenstein9426
    @tybaltlobenstein9426 Год назад +1

    Awesome 👏

  • @abuckcat
    @abuckcat Год назад +1

    Not cheating run up was gnarly

  • @__Maximiliano
    @__Maximiliano Год назад +1

    I’m choosing my clapped gt hard tail

  • @Sirmellowman
    @Sirmellowman 10 месяцев назад

    dude you are so gnarly, good job on that gap

  • @J.s1h2
    @J.s1h2 Год назад +1

    I'd choose my propain rage :)

  • @Drunken_Hamster
    @Drunken_Hamster 9 месяцев назад +1

    I wonder if more sag/droop would help the supermonster fork. You have plenty of travel since it looks like you only use 10 inches outside of massive drops and hucks, so like... Unless you already know I'm wrong with how droop affects rebound damping, you might as well try it, eh?

  • @Lebroonboombom
    @Lebroonboombom Год назад +1

    I’m not joking your like my favourite mtb person I know
    And we’ll done for clearing the gap👊👊

  • @planeandsimple431
    @planeandsimple431 Год назад +2

    I just watched a 3wk old Mahalo MD, mean comments vid. Someone busted on Yuka's accent. Then someone said Jordan breaks the Canadian nice guy stereotype. What in the frickin heck was that guy smokin that day, aye? The internet is rotting people's brains.
    I often tell my machine shop customers; don't snort the hot tank chemical...

  • @sliceoflight22
    @sliceoflight22 Год назад

    Perfect landing on that Rd gap!!!
    Clearly 💥

  • @tris_pa2187
    @tris_pa2187 Год назад +2

    This was not cheating. For sure you would made it with an other dh-bike as well. This technique was perfect in my opinion. Sooo....no cheating - just skills. ;)

  • @NikolaiVozza
    @NikolaiVozza Год назад

    The reason it springs back is because the high speed shim stack probably becomes active, which bypasses the low speed rebound. High speed is usually controlled by a preload spring, so you probably want more high speed rebound damping. Alternatively, you can sacrifice some softness for control by using more compression so the fork doesnt cycle deep into the travel as much.
    You also could improve the geo of the bike by throwing an angle headset into the frame (works components), and use offset bushings in the shock to drop the rear a little bit without sacrificing travel.

    • @JordanBoostmaster
      @JordanBoostmaster  Год назад

      the rebound uses shims, and we added lots more damping to that already

    • @NikolaiVozza
      @NikolaiVozza Год назад +1

      ​@@JordanBoostmaster I checked the manual for the fork, and yea, there is no separate high speed adjustment. However you can retune the shim stack to offer more damping for faster velocities while keeping the lower end the same. If you haven''t already, take a look at Shim ReStackor software, it can help you fine tune the damping curve. Race Tech's Motorcycle Suspension Bible is also a good resource, it shows different shim arrangements that can give you a certain damping profile.
      Keep in mind that the low speed damping is linked to high speed - oil will take the path of least resistance and if your low speed is too open, the high speed circuit may not even activate enough. Additionally one other thing to look at is balance of the bike - for example, if you set up the rear softer, it will take up more travel and your fork won't dive as much.

    • @JordanBoostmaster
      @JordanBoostmaster  Год назад +1

      @@NikolaiVozza yes I know all of that, I mentioned in this video at 3:30 that I have been working with a suspension shop RMR suspensions to change the shim stacks, I have been repeatedly making changes for the last year! Trying different oils and shims stacks and everything.

  • @CamiloGiglio
    @CamiloGiglio Год назад +1


  • @benitezjosem30
    @benitezjosem30 Год назад

    It was not cheating. I like how you set up everything to made it work. Well done.👍

  • @johnssmith4005
    @johnssmith4005 Год назад

    10:22 that was legitness !

  • @briannn7751
    @briannn7751 Год назад

    Nice gap ride!!! Banshee Scream with a Monster T

  • @StigNorrena
    @StigNorrena Год назад +3

    there is no chance I'd ever hit this gap on any bike tbh.

  • @Rose_Butterfly98
    @Rose_Butterfly98 Год назад

    I qould use either a Polygon Collosus DHX or a Polygon Xquareone DH9
    I feel like the biggest problem is how big the gap is and how there's a turn right after so you can't go too fast.
    We have a drop on a trail in my country that goes downhill so most of us go a bit too fast the first time and trying to slow down for the corner downhill is crazy.
    Of course that drop is way smaller than this and that corner is way harder.

  • @Dani-El.
    @Dani-El. Год назад +1

    Congrats! Looks scary. But why don't you just fix the run-in? Move some rocks and stuff.

  • @Hunter-nq1rv
    @Hunter-nq1rv 10 месяцев назад

    be safe out there and have fun

  • @megatryn
    @megatryn Год назад

    Next: HTF. It's the only right thing to do with that tool! 😂❤

  • @SobonFreeride
    @SobonFreeride Год назад +1

    Fork cam feels great for sure .

  • @MarvinWestmaas
    @MarvinWestmaas Год назад

    Jordan, at 1:05 can you explain to me why that one front wheel seems to be hanging so much lower as the rest ... ow 300mm 🤘🤘

    • @MarvinWestmaas
      @MarvinWestmaas Год назад

      2 bad there is so much .. dual tik-tok footage next to each other. Not a fan of the dual screen layout as presented, the riding needs the wide view or it's like looking through a tunnel and the suspension cam doesn't need 2/3rd of the window shown. Better to cut the suspension cam at least in half horizontally and just focus/frame the stanchions and the crown which will auto frame the tire so you can see all the movement while not taking up so much screen space.
      I do like that you synced it well!

    • @MarvinWestmaas
      @MarvinWestmaas Год назад

      And as to: what bike would I hit that gap on: I don't have the balls for that gap 🤷‍♂🤷‍♂

  • @edneyjunior6919
    @edneyjunior6919 Год назад +1

    Now you need to send the Brutus with your others bikes. hahahah

  • @Jmenixkels28
    @Jmenixkels28 Год назад +1

    Nahhhhhh. Not cheating! Fucking sent it bud!

  • @JosephFlood-x8g
    @JosephFlood-x8g Год назад

    Total legit especially on the osd school DH! I would hit the gap with a soecialized Demo

  • @colophon2377
    @colophon2377 9 месяцев назад

    Looks so much wilder and nicer back in 2016!

  • @thomasgoodman6679
    @thomasgoodman6679 Год назад +1

    That was a sick video bud. However my super monster never topped out at all.

    • @JordanBoostmaster
      @JordanBoostmaster  Год назад +1

      oh that is interesting! I have felt that in both mine and another guys that was stock

    • @thomasgoodman6679
      @thomasgoodman6679 Год назад

      @@JordanBoostmaster mine were bone stock too 🤷‍♂️ different altitude maybe 🤷‍♂️

  • @sagizucker2403
    @sagizucker2403 Год назад +2

    I hit it on a hard teil no sspnshen

  • @colelooney1430
    @colelooney1430 Год назад +1

    jump is at 10:00

  • @TreaHuggs
    @TreaHuggs Год назад +1

    No cheating at all. Anyone who can clear that gaps using ANYTHING wins.

  • @richardharley1961
    @richardharley1961 Год назад +1

    Zerode G2

  • @Harry-v8s
    @Harry-v8s 5 месяцев назад

    image that fork on a custom high pivot frame, it would take any trail on

  • @soulfire_mtb
    @soulfire_mtb Год назад +1

    Next time you should ride Incline on this bike. This gap is so sick.

  • @OfficiallyfreZh
    @OfficiallyfreZh Год назад +1

    Throwing a bit of style in there

  • @chechubiker
    @chechubiker Год назад

    insane gap, nice old footage in 2016. You send it, you did it, no cheat.

  • @VelkePivo
    @VelkePivo Год назад +2

    Wouldn’t even cross my mind it was cheating. Great job.

    @WIPEYOURLENZ Год назад +1

    You know it’s big when you start marking the takeoff with sticks.